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Mindfulness is bringing your

awareness into the present moment,

acknowledging and accepting

one’s feelings, thoughts,

and bodily sensations.

It is used to calm the mind

and improve overall

health and wellbeing

Mindfulness is being aware and engaged in what is happening around you and within you, observing with curiosity, acceptance, and without judgement and criticism. 'The brain is an organ and its function is to think, and there is no way to stop this (while the brain is functional). Mindfulness helps engage fully to the present moment, notice when attention wanders, and gently return it to the present, so we are not lost in thought'. (Monash University). Increasingly, research into the science of Mindfulness finds it to be beneficial people's cognitive and academic performance, health and well-being, and improving their relationships.

Mindfulness benefits include:

  • Reduced rumination or worry
  • Improvement to well-being and reduction in psychological distress/stress reduction
  • Boost to working memory
  • Increase information processing speed
  • Improved focus
  • Decreased task effort and having thoughts that are unrelated to the task at hand
  • Less emotional reactivity
  • More cognitive flexibility
  • Enhanced relationship satisfaction
  • Enhanced self-insight, morality, intuition and fear modulation, all functions associated with the brain's middle prefrontal lobe area
  • Increased immune functioning

(Daphne M. Davis, PhD, and Jeffrey A. Hayes, PhD, American Psychological Society journal July/August 2012, Vol 43, No. 7).





Schools program

Individual Mindfulness

  • Guided Mindfulness
  • Expert resource
  • Mindfulness audio for ongoing self-management

$30 - 30 minute consult

Group and corporate programs

The mindfulness course outline can be tailored to the needs of a particular group or organisations

School Program

The mindfulness course outline is provided to the school in consultation with the principal

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